Nemo 1995-2009


 “The day ended without any change manifesting itself. The colonists did not leave the Nautilus. Night came, although unseen in this crypt.

Captain Nemo did not suffer pain, but sunk slowly. His noble face, pale by the approach of death, was perfectly calm. Now and then he spoke, incoherently, of events in his strange existence.—All saw that life was retreating. His feet and hands were already cold…

…The cocks were opened, the reservoirs filled, and the Nautilus, sinking slowly, disappeared beneath the sea.

But the colonists were able still to follow her coarse through the lower depths. Her strong light lit up the transparent waters, as the crypt became darkened. Then at length the vast effusion of electric effulgence was effaced, and the Nautilus, the tomb of Captain Nemo, rested upon the bottom of the sea.”

The Mysterious Island, Jules Verne, 1874

Happy Birthday Noah

Noah woke up at 4:30 on the morning of his 8th birthday. He chose a Batman theme this year. This was the first time he had to go to school for most of his birthday. We sent cookies with him so his classmates could help celebrate and then he asked us to join him at school for lunch (bringing Burger King). When he got home from school, Aunt Kathy and Grandma and Grandpa Knock had arrived and he opened his presents and we all had cake. ($40 Baskin Robbins World Class Chocolate – it was the only Batman cake we could find.) Then we headed to Chuck E. Cheese for more fun.

Click here for all the photos.

Camping at Ft. Stevens 2009

In August we went camping at Ft. Stevens State Park. We visited Ft. Clatsop and Cape Disappointment to learn more about the Lewis and Clark Expedition, ate at Pig ‘N Pancake, went geocaching, and bike riding.

We picked a site that was close to the playground and the amphitheater so the kids could participate in the Jr. Ranger program (both got their badges). They had lots of “free range” time and nary a complaint about no TV or video games.

Click here for all the photos.

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